Tuesday 24 January 2017

416 By Adam Sifre

416 Read Online By Adam Sifre

Author:Adam Sifre
Page:70 pages

Four Hundred Sixteen That s all it takes to tell a story A scary story At least here Every tale of horror and suspense in this book is exactly 416 words long you can spend your time counting or reading, that s up to you Every story was written by a member of Authonomy.com.Stephen King takes 1,200 pages to tell a story We do it in half a page Sometimes we do it bet Four Hundred Sixteen That s all it takes to tell a story A scary story At least here Every tale of horror and suspense in this book is exactly 416 words long you can spend your time counting or reading, that s up to you Every story was written by a member of Authonomy.com.Stephen King takes 1,200 pages to tell a story We do it in half a page Sometimes we do it better.From Arachnoids to Zombies, 416 has it all The first fifty four stories were submitted as part of my weekly Flash Fiction Friday contest Always a treat for the readers, this particular contest was an outstanding success We got a lot of new writers as well as the old standbys Many wrote outside their comfort zone and they did it well.So, now we have a collection of horror worthy to be on the shelves of whatever bookstores are still in business another horror story in itself Unfortunately, timing is everything and my Ouja board tells me that there is not enough time to get 416 on the shelves That shouldn t stop you from putting it on yours, however.416 words is less than two pages But you won t believe what we can fit into those two pages I know I didn t, and I still believe in Obama.When I first asked myself to edit this book, I thought who wants to read a bunch of stories that aren t even written by me But after reading the submissions, I can almost see the logic of it Besides, there are two stories that are by me, so everyone wins.Now, here we sit You, me, and fifty something tales, tailor made to be read on a cold October night Short, intense and eerie You can take them in small doses or plow through with one eye shut and one open It s up to you.Don t be shy with feedback and comments After all, a zombie can live on brains but a writer needs attention if he or she wants to thrive and survive.Finally, if you think it s easy, feel free to give it a try Send me a 416 word horror story before October 30, 2011, and I may add it to this lovely tome Thank you to Authonomy and Rachel Authonomy for inspiring all of us to rise to this challenge Mr King and Koontz have set the bar You tell us if we cleared it.And yes, this introduction is exactly 416 words

thumbnailTitle: 416
Posted by:Adam Sifre
Published :2016-03-11T09:39+01:00
Four Hundred Sixteen That s all it takes to tell a story A scary story At least here Every tale of horror and suspense in this book is exactly 416 wor
70 pagesAdam Sifre

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